12 research outputs found

    Security for a multi-agent cyber-physical conveyor system using machine learning

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    One main foundation of Industry 4.0 is the connectivity of devices and systems using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, where Cyber-physical systems (CPS) act as the backbone infrastructure based on distributed and decentralized structures. This approach provides significant benefits, namely improved performance, responsiveness and reconfigurability, but also brings some problems in terms of security, as the devices and systems become vulnerable to cyberattacks. This paper describes the implementation of several mechanisms to increase the security in a self-organized cyber-physical conveyor system, based on multi-agent systems (MAS) and build up with different individual modular and intelligent conveyor modules. For this purpose, the JADE-S add-on is used to enforce more security controls, also an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is created supported by Machine Learning (ML) techniques that analyses the communication between agents, enabling to monitor and analyse the events that occur in the system, extracting signs of intrusions, together they contribute to mitigate cyberattacks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um modelo reflexivo para formação de engenheiros

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaEste trabalho apresenta um modelo para desenvolvimento de currículo de engenharia que visa fortalecer elementos da prática profissional que habilitam engenheiros a lidarem com a incerteza e a complexidade inerentes ao mundo real. O modelo conceitual proposto é baseado nos princípios de "saberes práticos e teóricos", "aprender fazendo", "humanismo", "pensamento reflexivo", "contexto", sendo destacado o uso de problemas reais de engenharia para construir, tanto o conhecimento teórico, quanto o conhecimento prático, ambos essenciais ao contexto do exercício profissional. Para tornar as idéias do modelo mais claras é desenvolvido um exemplo de currículo em engenharia de controle e automação. O currículo desenvolvido, utilizando o modelo, é então comparado com o currículo tradicional da engenharia a fim de discutir suas vantagens e limitações. Na parte final, são discutidas algumas questões sobre a implantação de um curso baseado no modelo proposto e as perspectivas de continuidade do trabalho

    Remote lab of robotic manipulators through an open access ROS-based platform

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    The research, training, and learning in robotic systems is a difficult task for institutions that do not have an appropriate equipment infrastructure, mainly due to the high investment required to acquire these systems. Possible alternatives are the use of robotic simulation platforms and the creation of remote robotic environments available for different users. The use of the last option surpasses the former one in terms of the possibility to handle real robotic systems during the training process. However, technical challenges appear in the management of the supporting infrastructure to use the robotic systems, namely in terms of access, safety, security, communication, and programming aspects. Having this in mind, this paper presents an approach for the remote operation of real robotic manipulators under a virtual robotics laboratory. To this end, an open access and safe web-based platform was developed for the remote control of robotic manipulators, being validated through the remote control of a real UR3 manipulator. This platform contributes to the research and training in robotic systems among different research centers and educational institutions that have limited access to these technologies. Furthermore, students and researchers can use this educational tool that differs from traditional robotic simulators through a virtual experience that connects real manipulators worldwide through the Internet.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020), and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Em direção à melhoria do ensino na área tecnológica: a experiência de uma disciplina de introdução à engenharia de controle e automação /

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico.A engenharia está associada à habilidade de combinar conhecimentos teóricos e práticos para atender a necessidades humanas colocadas geralmente como problemas reais a serem resolvidos. Entretanto, o ensino da engenharia tem enfatizado o conteúdo teórico, com a larga utilização da simulação computacional e de ambientes virtuais que muitos acreditam capazes de substituir a experimentação real. Os profissionais graduados sob este tipo de ensino são capazes de realizar análises complexas, mas teriam pouca habilidade para lidar com problemas do mundo real. A complexidade do mundo moderno, entretanto, exige uma formação profissional com um perfil mais abrangente. As habilidades técnicas devem ser associadas à capacidade de julgar, de comunicar idéias, de trabalhar em grupo e negociar coletivamente decisões. O ensino de engenharia deve colocar o futuro profissional em contato com as questões fundamentais da profissão, desde o primeiro dia de aula. O projeto deve desempenhar neste processo um papel central, por ser a essência da engenharia. Este trabalho relata uma experiência de ensino, onde os conceitos acima expostos foram colocados em prática em uma disciplina de introdução à Engenharia de Controle e Automação. A disciplina foi desenvolvida no segundo semestre letivo de 1999 na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil. A mesma foi concebida para cumprir três grandes objetivos: integrar o aluno à vida acadêmica, desenvolver uma compreensão inicial sobre os conceitos básicos da engenharia e despertar as habilidades necessárias ao engenheiro em sua atuação profissional. A experiência foi desenvolvida em clima de jogo, no qual os alunos, em grupos, foram estimulados a desenvolver soluções para situações-problemas. Os grupos construíram seus protótipos de projeto usando kits de blocos de montagens LEGO programável. A experimentação real criou um contexto adequado para o aprendizado de metodologia de projeto e para o entendimento de conceitos técnicos abstratos tais como sistemas, controle e realimentação. A abordagem metodológica adotada, pelos resultados obtidos, mostrou-se promissora para futuros desenvolvimentos

    Machine vision to empower an intelligent personal assistant for assembly tasks

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    In the context of the fourth industrial revolution, the integration of human operators in emergent cyber-physical systems assumes a crucial relevance. In this context, humans and machines can not be considered in an isolated manner but instead regarded as a collaborative and symbiotic team. Methodologies based on the use of intelligent assistants that guide human operators during the execution of their operations, taking advantage of user friendly interfaces, artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) technologies, become an interesting approach to industrial systems. This is particularly helpful in the execution of customised and/or complex assembly and maintenance operations. This paper presents the development of an intelligent personal assistant that empowers operators to perform faster and more cost-effectively their assembly operations. The developed approach considers ICT technologies, and particularly machine vision and image processing, to guide operators during the execution of their tasks, and particularly to verify the correctness of performed operations, contributing to increase productivity and efficiency, mainly in the assembly of complex products.This work has been supported by FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patient Versus Surgeon Preferences Between Traditional And Neo-omphaloplasty In Post-bariatric Abdominoplasty

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Abdominoplasty procedures have been proven highly valuable in promoting better quality of life for post-bariatric surgery patients. The literature reveals that the aspect of the navel is one of the most problematic issues regarding surgical results and many different surgical techniques have been proposed to obtain a satisfactory outcome. However, little is known about patients' preferences regarding these different techniques and their results. The aim of the present study was to compare evaluations made by plastic surgeons and patients of the results of two different techniques-traditional omphaloplasty and neo-omphaloplasty with lateral flaps. Five plastic surgeons analyzed postoperative pictures of 54 post-bariatric abdominoplasties performed between 2008 and 2013 at the Unicamp Hospital. Pictures of 12 cases were selected and evaluated by 50 patients waiting for a post-bariatric abdominoplasty. A standardized scale was used that contained the following criteria: volume of the abdomen, lateral contour, quality of the scars, umbilicus and skin excess/flaccidity. Surgeons gave the highest scores to 71.6% of neo-omphaloplasty cases and patients to 43.7%. Both surgeons and patients graded navels operated on using this technique higher, although the comparison was not statistically significant for patient evaluations (p = 0.062). The navel aspect was considered the fourth most relevant aspect among those evaluated. Neo-omphaloplasty results were considered better than traditional omphaloplasty for surgeons and patients, although there was not a clear differentiation of results by the latter. The navel postoperative aspect was considered secondarily important by patients to the results of post-bariatric abdominoplasties.411102107CNPqNational Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Security experiences in IoT based applications for building and factory automation

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    Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are promoting the connection of millions of devices, that once were seen as unconnectable, into a huge network, to be used in a large number of applications, from autonomous vehicles to industrial control systems, passing through building automation systems. These paradigm rely on the adoption of Cyber Physical Systems complemented with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and artificial intelligence techniques. These type of systems are responsible for collecting, processing and exchanging a vast amount of data, and for that reason, it is imperative to assure data integrity and protection against malicious modifications and attacks to ensure a safe and reliable operation. Data thefts and cyber attacks in general represent a significant danger, however, cyber attacks on IoT systems can be specially critical due to their proximity with humans, enhancing the risk of physical damage. This paper highlights the importance of securing these systems, pursuing a safer operation, having in mind the amount of security vulnerabilities found in embedded devices. For this purpose, this article studies possible security threats and weakness in two case studies coming from different IoT domains, i.e. building automation and factory automation, while seeking for solutions to improve these systems’ security.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    An analysis of the crystallographic texture and mechanical behavior of two types of IF steels is presented. Two steels, Ti and Nb-Ti, were submitted to different thermal annealing cycles in a continuous hot-dip galvanizing line, heat treated at temperatures of 860°C and 760°C. The more relevant characteristics of mechanical properties are evaluated. The crystallographic texture of the samples is determined by electron diffraction technique of back-scattering (SEM-EBSD). The intensity of orientation //ND is evaluated and compared. Metallographic characterization is done, and the ferritic grain size is measured with optical microscopy. The mechanical behavior of materials is characterized in the tensile test with 80 mm gauge length